Sigma Industry East North

Driving the future of industrial development.

Sigma Industry East North consists of eight technology consulting companies, ranging from Linköping in the south to Luleå in the north. We offer a comprehensive portfolio of customised engineering services to meet the needs and drive the development of modern industry. We prioritise long-term customer relationships, with a focus on quality and service. Our company culture is characterised by warmth and fun, coupled with a stimulating and developmental working environment.

Our services are provided by our subsidiaries: Sigma Industry East in Linköping and Norrköping, Evolve in Uppsala, Innovation in Eskilstuna and Örebro, North in Luleå and Umeå, Services in Västerås, and Development, Smart, and Spark located in Stockholm.

Focusing on people and sustainable technology development

We often speak of sustainability and entrepreneurship with focus on people. Sustainability primarily refers to commitment in relationships and our external environment. The entrepreneurial spirit forms the backbone of our business development. We encourage and utilise individuals’ ideas and competencies to become bigger, stronger, and better.

On a macro level, we carry a continuous and long-term responsibility in technological development. With broad expertise in several engineering disciplines, we provide technical solutions to ensure sustainable and long-term success for our customers and society in general.

To meet market demand in a changing world, we must remain flexible and agile, offering new knowledge, expertise, and adapting our delivery methods. Through our services in product and production development, project management, validation, and QA, we modernise and streamline our customers’ operations. And through long-term commitment, entrepreneurial spirit, and a passion for technology, we tackle complex challenges, create new business opportunities, and contribute to a sustainable world.

The year in brief

Throughout the year, we have contributed to the development of several exciting projects, including electric boats and ferries, satellites and subsystems for spacecraft, mining, green steel, battery production, and environmentally friendly transport infrastructure. Our expertise has expanded in biotechnology and control systems projects. Our in-house team has also installed our very first seal control machine and a quality management system. In line with the EU’s Green Deal, we expanded our sustainability service offerings in 2024.

While the industry has stagnated we have defied the trend, growing with a group revenue increase of around 20 percent. Heading into 2025, we have nearly 500 employees, two newly established companies, and have opened new offices in Linköping, Norrköping, and Umeå. This growth reflects our strong customer focus and the high employee satisfaction, where we rank at the top levels.

We are especially proud of our second place on Universum’s list of Sweden’s best employers and for receiving Deloitte’s quality award, Best Managed Companies, for the second year in a row. With these achievements behind us, we look forward to the future with optimism and continue to drive the group forward together.

Sigma Industry East North IN NUMBERS

The company's development over the past few years.

Annual growth
Total 2023 - 2024
CAGR*, total 2019 - 2024
CAGR*, organic 2019 - 2024
Number of employees

*Compound Annual Growth Rate.

Sigma Industry East North

Sigma Industry East North consists of eight technology consulting companies, ranging from Linköping in the south to Luleå in the north. We offer a comprehensive portfolio of customised engineering services to meet the needs and drive the development of modern industry. We prioritise long-term customer relationships, with a focus on quality and service. Our company culture is characterised by warmth and fun, coupled with a stimulating and developmental working environment.

Our services are provided by our subsidiaries: Sigma Industry East in Linköping and Norrköping, Evolve in Uppsala, Innovation in Eskilstuna and Örebro, North in Luleå and Umeå, Services in Västerås, and Development, Smart, and Spark located in Stockholm.

Yearbook 2024 /Subsidiary groups /Sigma Industry East North

Yearbook 2024 /Subsidiary groups /Sigma Industry East North