”We need more female role models in IT and tech”
Gender equality is in focus when Cinode interviews Beatrice Silow about the future of the technology industry and how Sweden can maintain its status as a successful IT nation. View the video here.
The lack of competence in the IT and technology industry is a well known phenomena. Paradoxically, at the same time, Sigma IT’s recently published Tomorrow Report shows that one million Swedes are interested in working in IT and technology and as many as 40 percent of them would consider going back to school to be able to work in the tech industry. So, how do we reach all this potential talent?
Beatrice Silow, head of Communication and Culture at Sigma IT, is one of the initiators of Sigma Smart Women Society – a meeting place for women in IT and tech that attracts female coworkers from all across the industry to meet, network and get inspired by other enthusiasts. According to Beatrice, attracting more women to the industry is crucial to meet the shortage in competence.
– We need more female role models to make more women interested in the IT industry. Role models that demonstrate that this is truly a business for the future. An industry where you can really make a difference and where we create the solutions for a better tomorrow.
The industry is becoming more equal. The proportion of women in IT and tech is increasing and today there are significantly more women who want to work in IT and technology than before. But we haven’t reached the finish line just yet.
– The important thing is to make sure this trend continues. Many young girls and women with an interest in technology are met with skepticism today. What they need is encouragement, support and more educational opportunities. We need to make room for these new talents.
Beatrice continues with a shout out to other companies that want to attract more women.
– It is time to move from words to action and for company leaders to have the courage to make decisions that really make a difference. These leaders need to identify and cherish employees with a real passion for the industry. To bring about change they also need to consolidate the importance of gender equality within the whole organization.
At Sigma IT, we work actively with gender equality because we are convinced that we need different skills and personalities to create the best IT- and technology solutions.
– If Sweden is to maintain its position as a successful IT nation and welfare country, we need to make use of all the talents we have. However, the work ahead of us does not just rely on companies. We also need to see real action from the educational system and from the politicians, says Beatrice.
Julia Thelin from Cinode interviews Beatrice Silow, watch the entire interview here (in Swedish).